On 2/19/2010 1:56 PM, Rob Kampen wrote:
> m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
>>> Thank you for your helping
>>> but why user keeps downloading mails what he downloaded before?
>>> I check the mail client setting and it works fine
>>> If it is not server control, any hints about this problem
>> Here's one example: me. When I'm not at home, I read my email via
>> webmail.
>> I could, I suppose, d/l it *without* deleting from the server. Then, when
>> I get home, I fire up t-bird, and d/l all my mail, this time deleting it.
>> I might assume that some folks d/l frequently, but do not delete from the
>> server, thus saving space on their own system, but storing everything on
>> the server.
> Are you talking about IMAP or POP3 - they behave differently. With POP
> each client location has to download and choose to keep original on
> server, otherwise only one client can see the email. With IMAP one has
> the option to see the headers and by default leaves the server as the
> master. This does put more traffic on an IMAP server as a rule, but I
> use IMAP in preference if possible so that I can access emails via my
> iPhone and my T-bird clients, but only deal with mail once.

Yes, if the client in question is using pop, switching to imap is 
probably a good idea.  There is an option in tbird (and probably others) 
for whether to download all the messages or wait till you read them.

   Les Mikesell

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