On Friday 19 February 2010 12:42, Les Mikesell wrote:

>  On 2/19/2010 11:30 AM, Robert Spangler wrote:
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > I was wondering if bash or inputrc has changed form CentOS v4 to CentOS
>  > v5? Reason I ask is at the bash cli I can type, for example 'su' and
>  > then with the up and down arrows I can scroll through my history and
>  > will only see the commands that begin with 'su'.  In CentOS 5 this isn't
>  > the case.
>  >
>  > I have added some code to my inputrc file to make this work in CentOS 4
>  > as follows:
>  >
>  > # Search History for previous used commands
>  > "\M-[A":history-search-backward
>  > "\M-[B":history-search-forward
>  > "\M-[C":forward-char
>  > "\M-[D":backward-char
>  >
>  > And this works well in CentOS 4 but I cannot get it to work in CentOS 5.
>  > Anyone know why or what I have to change?
>  I usually just hit ctl-R for the reverse-i-search function.  It's a
>  little annoying for people who don't use emacs, but it works.

Yeah, the above is a lot simpler and faster.



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