On Tue, 2010-04-06 at 11:10 +0000, Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> >I dont quite get clearly what it is that you are looking to achieve 
> >here, but rather than cron - have you considered a more adept job 
> >scheduling / orchestrating tool ? there are some very nicely done open 
> >source ones out there.
> I have a filesystem that mounts only on the active node of an n-way
> rhcs based active/passive cluster. I want a scheduling system that
> can store its conf on the shared fs and be started by the cluster
> service.
> I have an interim solution while I research, do you have any personal
> reco's for job scheduling daemons?
A little learning curve involved [1].  Has all you need + more.


[1] http://www.redhat.sn/f/pdf/MRG_datasheet_web.pdf

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