On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 04:31:08PM -0400, Alan McKay (alan.mc...@gmail.com) 
> > While I can't answer that, I might try to actually call a Perl check after
> > which although slightly extra work would yield the answer.

> snip

> We don't do auto-updates on production boxes so this is not a concern.
>  And yeah, my other alternative would be to do it all via yum instead
> of CPAN, but that would be a massive change to the system I've
> inherited.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that this
does not matter as the RPM's plug all the stuff into the correct
locations for perl and the modules ... I use a lot of perl modules
(e.g. for mimedefang, some online stuff I do etc) and cross upgraded 
a few machines, e.g. from FC6 to CentOS 5.4.

So the perl installation used to be totally CPAN based, now I upgrade
most of the stuff from YUM. So far nothing has been broken and they
are all rock solid.

So I would look for the RPM first, then for CPAN.


> -- 
> ?Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV?
>          - Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"
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