 i need to upgrade my apache to 2.3.5 and what i need is to compile it out
by myself not to use the rpm.. so where i am stuck is that i require to have
the apr 1.3 but i got the 1.2.7 with me, so i have downloaded the apr-1.3
rpm but now when i am upgrading it out i am getting an error of dependencies
problem like this.Can any one help me on this..

 uname(release) >= 2.6 is needed by apr-1.3.3-1.i586
 rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma) <= 4.4.6-1 is needed by apr-1.3.3-1.i586
 apr = 1.2.7-11.el5_3.1 is needed by (installed)

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