Tru Huynh a écrit :
> On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 03:03:00PM +0200, Georghy wrote:
>> (1)Download that driver : 
>> from the intel support web site
> You should have started your installation with "linux dd" and the initrd would
> have been automatically created for you... (if xenserver works as CentOS-5)
linux dd doesn't work, because linux label isn't in the boot 
configuration of XenServer (I tried)
> 3.1.3 Installing RHEL5 (with or without Update 1, Update 2, Update 3, Update 
> 4) on RAID
> -----------------
> In order to support XEN mode, the system needs to have its Virtualization 
> feature enabled in BIOS as a first step, and XEN software package in the OS 
> needs to be loaded during installation.
> 1) Create a RAID array using the Intel(R) Embedded Server RAID Technology II 
> RAID BIOS Console.
> 2) Connect USB floppy drive and insert the floppy disk with RAID driver
> 3) Boot your system using RHEL5.0 DVD
> 4) At boot prompt type "linux dd noprobe=ata1 noprobe=ata2 noprobe=ata3 
> noprobe=ata4"
I tried this one too, but linux label is not recognized
> 5) And then you'll see a page that shows "loading usb-storage driver", and 
> then it will ask you "Do you have a driver disk". Choose "Yes"
I tried but the system didn't find my drivers with this solution, so I 
tried an insmod then it worked, my raid disk was recognized
> 6) Then it will ask you which one do you choose as a driver disk, choose 
> "sda" which is the USB floppy disk. And then click OK to continue, you'll see 
> the message "Reading driver disk",  after it finishes, it will ask "Do you 
> wish to load any more driver disks?" choose No if you do not have any more 
> driver to load.
> 7) (If XEN mode feature is needed, the OS installatng KEY is necessary and 
> then XEN software package needs to be loaded)  Then continue with the RHEL 
> automatic installation, you can see that in the page where we select drives 
> to use for installation, you can only see 1 disk (Intel MegaSR), this means 
> the raid is recognized. 
Xen is always enabled on XenServer, I see 1 disk Intel megasr thanks to 
my "insmod"
> 8) At the last step of the installation (after all the packages are 
> installed) RHEL5 prompts you to reboot. Do not click reboot button. Press 
> Ctr+Alt+F2 to go to the text console prompt.
> 9) type "cat /proc/partitions" you will see some info about the partition.  
> For example, you might find several rows, one row might include sdb. You 
> might find like this
> major minor   #blocks name
> 8     16      1440    sdb
> 10) type "mknod /dev/sdb b 8 16"  (8 and 16 are copied from the major and 
> minor numbers in step #9, so that the numbers could change according to what 
> is seen in step #9)
what is the goal of this step ?
> 11) type "mkdir /temp"
> 12) type "mount /dev/sdb /temp"
> 13) type "ls /temp" and you can find all the driver files are now in /temp
> 14) Use cd command to enter /temp directory
> 15) type "./" to execute the script. It will remove ahci from 
> /etc/modprobe.conf and blacklist ahci in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist 
> ( is also an example, and please implement the script even if 
> the *.sh is with other name).
I've already tried to launch replace_ahci at the begining of the 
install, it doesn't work, but i'll try it at the end of the install thanks
> 16) Go back to graphic screen and reboot the system in order to finish the 
> installation.
> Tru
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Cordialement, / Greetings,
Georghy FUSCO

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