> What exactly does not work?  Connecting to what destination IP?  Your 
> default route is pointing out eth2.  So any traffic to a non-directly 
> connected network will go out eth2.  (without some additional static 
> routes)  What are you trying to accomplish?
I am attempting to have one box with 3 nic's and use NAT to connect to 
other boxes.

74.X is eth1 24.X is eth2 and 192.X is eth0
I have iptable rules for 24.X:25 to goto 192.X:25 and port 80 also.  
This works
I have iptable ruls for 74.X:25 to goto 192.X:25 and port 80 also. This 
does not work.

the default route is set for 24.X network and it seems like that is why 
that network is working.
If I change the default route to 74.X then the 74.X network works and 
the 24.X network stops working.

So that is why I thought the "route -n" showing for the gw on 
74.X was perhaps the issue.

I dont seem to be routing for both networks.


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