El mié, 19-05-2010 a las 09:42 -0400, tdu...@sc.rr.com escribió:
> I had to install 5.5 from scratch and now I have to rebuild my home 
> networking system.
> I haven't had to mess with this stuff in over 5+ years and I'm sure there may 
> be better ways of doing it now.
> My liunx box acts as firewall/gateway for 2 other pcs. I was using a script 
> from the Linux IP Masquerade HOWTO with ddclient (since I have a dynamic ip). 
> Also, I don't think I need a full name server. Can I get by with a caching 
> nameserver?
Yes, you don't need more than that for your home network.

> Thanks!!
> Eddie
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