On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/19/2010 4:52 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
>> Is there any *legitimate* reason why someone would want to *type*
>> https://domainname.com in the location/address bar? There really should
>> not be a reason to do that.
> How else would you get there the first time?

By default, most of our site is not SSL encrypted, just when they
would go to specific areas, like shopping cart, etc, that we switch to
https. If they just follow the links on our site, and not manually
type in the incorrect one, it will take them to the
https://www.domainname.com/..... part of the site and the SSL
certificate will work as expected.

The only time this error occurs is if the user were to manually type
in the location bar in their browser https://domainname.com.

After some of the replies to this thread, I checked back through the
access logs and this situation has only happened 2 times in the last

I think that I am going to push at management that this is a non-issue
and not worth wasting any more time and see what they might say.

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