Akemi wrote:
> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Ron Loftin <relof...@twcny.rr.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2010-05-20 at 16:34 -0400, m.r...@5-cent.us wrote:
>>> mark wrote:
>>> Akemi wrote:
>>>> So, at this point, we've given up - his machine wasn't on a UPS, and
>>>> given the power in this building, there's a high probability of a
>>>> surge, and something on the card got fried - so he's got another
>>>> machine, and we're probably going to call this one dead.
> Sorry to hear that the problem was more serious than initially thought.

Yeah, we were afraid that was it. I mean, the nvidia installer binary
package had been working fine, as does the one on my own system. But I
reinstalled (over and over), and *if* the Nvidia logo came up, it had
moving pixels of garbage in it, and if it didn't come up, the pixilated
garbage was scrolling too fast to read. ssh'ing in, I could see in the log
what I originally said - the "initialized GART, then "failing to allocate
ROP", which I simply wasn't going to go down to read code to understand.

It's dead, Jim. You grab its tricorder, and I'll grab its wallet. <g>

Oh, and he had nothing plugged into his UPS. "Oh, yeah, it's been dead for
a long time, I'm not sure there's a battery in it...."

When I mentioned that to my boss, he said that we're not their mothers....


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