On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Paul Bijnens <paul.bijn...@xplanation.com>wrote:

> On 2010-06-03 05:21, sync wrote:
> > I recently switched to using Thunderbird for my email and installed the
> > Lightning calendar add-on.  Now all I need is a remote calendar server.
> > I just need a simple server to support a few personal calendars and a
> >
> >  shared calendar.  Any recommendations for a CentOS / Apache based
> >  calendar server?/
> > /
> I use latest CentOS with this virtual host setting in apache:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>     ServerAdmin someone.import...@example.com
>     ServerName calendars.example.com
>     DocumentRoot /some/path/to/virthost/calendars
>     ErrorLog logs/calendars-error_log
>     CustomLog logs/calendars-access_log combined
>     <Location />
>         DAV on
>         AuthType Basic
>         AuthName "Calendars"
>         AuthUserFile /some/path/to/a/.htpasswd
>         <LimitExcept GET HEAD OPTIONS>
>             Require valid-user
>         </LimitExcept>
>     </Location>
> </VirtualHost>
> And in thunderbird, publish the calendar with url:

That looks nice ~ I would try to use your advice , thanks you and others .
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