>   On 25/09/10 05:55, Jerry Geis wrote:
> >/ How might I automate such an install script.
> /Might I suggest expect:
> http://oreilly.com/catalog/expect/chapter/ch03.html
> Cheers,
> ak.

Is expect and send not part of CentOS?

on my x86_64 5.5 I do "whereis expect" and its not found.
I do a "man bash" an its not there.

I wrote the little script:
spawn sh ati-driver-installer-10-8-x86.x86_64.run
expect "RedHat Linux"
send "\r"
expect "Install Driver"
send "\r"
expect "RedHat Linux"
send "\r"
expect "License Agreement"
send "\r"
expect "Do you agree"
send "\r"
expect "Recommended"
send "\r"

and I get:
./tt.sh: line 1: spawn: command not found
./tt.sh: line 2: expect: command not found
./tt.sh: line 3: send: command not found
./tt.sh: line 4: expect: command not found
./tt.sh: line 5: send: command not found
./tt.sh: line 6: expect: command not found
./tt.sh: line 7: send: command not found
./tt.sh: line 8: expect: command not found
./tt.sh: line 9: send: command not found
./tt.sh: line 10: expect: command not found
./tt.sh: line 11: send: command not found
./tt.sh: line 12: expect: command not found
./tt.sh: line 13: send: command not found

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