----- Original Message -----
| On 11/12/10 23:34, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:
| > Hi,
| >
| > What's the best (cleanest, easiest, whatever) way to install the
| > proprietary
| > NVidia driver on CentOS 5.5 ? Usually I'm using the RPMForge 3rd
| > party repo
| > and compile the odd missing package myself from a Fedora SRPM. But
| > the nvidia
| > packages look a bit like a mess. DKMS has errors in the startup
| > script
| > (looking for a nonexistent log_action_msg and the likes), so I
| > wonder if it's
| > best to just download the driver from nvidia.com and build it
| > myself.
| >
| > Then I thought : I'd rather ask.
| >
| > Cheers,
| >
| > Niki
| I use the driver from nvidia.com. The setup process is a no brainer.
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I do similar.  I have a script which calls the latest version of the driver 
installer only if it can't find a version of the driver for the running kernel. 
 If it does it runs the installer with the -a -s -X options to build and 
configure X if not done already.
James A. Peltier
Systems Analyst (FASNet), VIVARIUM Technical Director
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax     : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  : jpelt...@sfu.ca
Website : http://www.fas.sfu.ca | http://vivarium.cs.sfu.ca
MSN     : subatomic_s...@hotmail.com

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