James Pearson wrote:
> I think your problem is that you did 'chkconfig --del syslog' - as the 
> man page states:
> --del name
>         The  service  is removed from chkconfig management, and any sym-
>         bolic links in /etc/rc[0-6].d which pertain to it are removed.
>         Note that future package installs for this service may run  chk-
>         config  --add,  which  will re-add such links. To disable a ser-
>         vice, run chkconfig name off.
> I believe you should have done 'chkconfig syslog off' instead.
> We use rsyslog instead of sysklogd and don't get this problem.

Thank you James, you are right, 'chkconfig syslog off; chkconfig rsyslog
on' solved this problem.


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