David Sommerseth wrote:
> On 17/12/10 18:24, Scott Robbins wrote:
>> On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 01:11:49AM +0800, Guenther Boelter wrote:
>>> On 12/18/2010 01:04 AM, Beartooth wrote:
>>>>    I'm running Fedora14 on all machines, including my wife's -- and
>>>> I'm the nearest (distant) thing there is to tech support.
>>> What's wrong with Fedora in that case, what do you think is the benefit
>>> of using CentOS instead?
>> Fedora will break things.  They're still, in many ways, figuring out
> I so often hear that Fedora breaks things.  I've been running F-11 and
> F-12 on a server as KVM host, without issues.  I've been using F8-F13 on
> several computers (3 laptops and a workstation), and I can't really say
> it has broken anything on my setups.  It might be I'm not using it
I upgraded a workstation that we do offline backups on to FC 13, from FC
10. I *H*A*T*E*D*!!! FC13. Things do *not* work right. I had to remove
gnome, because it was hosed - you couldn't log in in runlevel 5, got a
vertical bar a couple of pixels wide instead of a login pane. It crashed,
every other week it seemed, and yes, I was doing updates. FC14 *seems* to
be a bit more stable, though right now, I'm fighting to try to get
ssh-agent working correctly on it - just did a full update, and now it
starts it on login... but doesn't stop it on logout, and doesn't pass the
environment variables.


In '06, when I was going to upgrade from Redhat 9 (not RHEL, shrike), it
was SuSE or Ubuntu, wound up with SuSE. When I was ready to go up from
openSuSE 10.3, I went to CentOS. I want a solid system at home - I do
enough admin work at work, I don't want to be debugging the o/s at home.
The my opinion, and the opinion of a number of folks I personally know
(including ESR, btw) of fedora is that it's bleeding edge, not leading


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