On 03/01/11 10:37, Ron Blizzard wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 4:15 AM, Ned Slider<n...@unixmail.co.uk>  wrote:
>> You don't need to upgrade grub, I'm quite happily dual booting rhel6 GA
>> on a CentOS-5 system (using C-5 GRUB).
>> Only thing I did differently is the rhel6 /boot partition is mounted on
>> an ext3 partition whereas I _think_ the default might be ext4 which, as
>> a wild guess, is probably unsupported by CentOS-5 GRUB ?
>> The rest of the system is quite happily sitting in an ext4 partition
>> using md raid on lvm.
> Hi Nick,
> Thanks for writing back. I'm using ext3 also. Is it possible to see
> your RHEL 6 grub entry? Did you install grub on the RHEL boot
> partition and use a chainloader, or were able to just do a normal
> entry?
> Again,t hanks for any ponters.

Yes, I installed rhel6's grub to the rhel6 /boot partition during the 
rhel6 installation and then added a chainloader entry to the end of the 
CentOS-5 /boot/grub/grub.conf to boot rhel6:

title RHEL6 Buildsys
         rootnoverify (hd0)
         root (hd0,1)
         chainloader +1

Adjust to suit your partitioning scheme :-)

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