>>>>> Hi,
 >>>>> I'm interested from where Centos gets the source RPMs of updates for
 >>>>> Red Hat Linux? I suppose that they are publicly available but where?
 >>>>> regards
 >>>>> Peter
 >>>> http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/os/SRPMS/
 >>>I believe the OP is asking, where does the centos project get them from.
 >>>and thats probably from...
 >>>(adjust path as required)
 >> Where do you get the updates released from Red Hat? I see that there are
 >> several versions of some of the packets. Are these the updates?
 >No, those are at ftp://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/updates/enterprise/

why there is no version 6? only 2, 3 and 4

 >in variious channels for various components. RedHat chose to separate
 >out various components, such as some virtualization and clustering
 >components, into separate "channels". CentOS, sensibly, merges them
 >back into a single repository.
 >This is partly why the contents between CentOS's merged installation
 >environment and RHEL's various "workstation", "client" "node"d my
 >uncle benjy" channels do not precisely match CentOS's or Scientific
 >Linux's or the older Whitebox setups.
 >The bare SRPM channels are available at:
 >    ftp://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/linux/enterprise/5Server/en/
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