On 17/01/11 20:08, Michael D. Berger wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 19:07:03 +0000, Ned Slider wrote:
>> On 17/01/11 18:44, Jason Brown wrote:
>>> The kernel modules are only for that kernel, so anytime you update it
>>> you also have to reinstall the nvidia drivers.
>> Alternatively, you could use the nvidia driver packages from elrepo.org:
>> http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia
>> which are kABI-tracking kmod packages that work seamlessly over a kernel
>> update. They even work with the new 5.6 kernel and there are packages
>> for el6 too.
>> If you do decide to switch to the elrepo packages, please make sure you
>> *uninstall* the current NVIDIA provided driver first. The page above has
>> details on how to do that.
>> Hope that helps.
> After looking at the recommended web site, I did the uninstall,
> and then ran:
> yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=elrepo install kmod-nvidia nvidia-x11-
> drv 2>&1 | tee el.log
> I got:
>    Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
>    Error getting repository data for elrepo, repository not found
> It seems that there may be another step.

Please see the Getting Started instructions here:


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