on 14:50 Thu 27 Jan, Always Learning (cen...@g7.u22.net) wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 12:33 +0530, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
> > you expect Passwordless SSH. If so, 
> I wanted a quick effortless automated log-on.

That's what ssh-agent gives you.

If you invoke a command under ssh-agent, that comamnd (and all its
children) inherit ssh-agent's environment, which includes the
SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable, pointing to the authentication socket.

Only that user (or root, and you trust root, right) can access this

For convenience (and some risk), you can also enable agent-forwarding (I
prefer doing this to a limted set of hosts or domains).  This would
enable you to say:

   ssh from localhost to adminbox.datacenter.example.com
   ssh from adminbox.datacenter.example.com to other hosts within the

Very handy if you need to run quick commands, git pulls/pushes, scp,
rsync, etc., within the DC, without having to constantly re-type your

Of course, the more often you type your password, the more memorable it
> > # ssh-keygen -t rsa       ( passphrase should be empty )
> Yes I did exactly that but following advice from this mailing list have
> changed to DSA and imposed a passphrase.

Either works.  RSA takes merits.  Password SHOULD be provided.

Dr. Ed Morbius
Chief Scientist
Krell Power Systems Unlimited
CentOS mailing list

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