From: Joseph L. Casale Sent: February 3, 2011 11:59
> >Has anyone tried using an LSI MegaRAID 320-2E PCIe RAID Controller in
> >an HP DL380G5 (of any HP G5 DL for that matter) running CentOS 5? It
> >looks like it should work but it would be nice to know that someone
> >has already done it before I start going to all the effort and expense
> >of building the box. I have a spare DL380 and a couple of IBM EXP400
> >disk arrays that I would like to configure as a backup database server.
> While I haven't, I also agree it should, but you can email
> and ask, they have top notch support, I just asked a similar question
> a month ago for a PCIe card in an HP server...

Thanks. That is an excellent suggestion and one I should have thought
of as well (but I did not). I will give it a try right now.

Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software,

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