On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 1:37 AM, Kenni Lund <ke...@kelu.dk> wrote:
> 2011/2/23 Rudi Ahlers <r...@softdux.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I have a problematic CentOS XEN server and hope someone could point me
>> in the right direction to optimize it a bit.
> (SNIP)
>> the server itself seems to eat up a lot of resources:
>> root@zaxen01:[~]$ free -m
>>             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
>> Mem:           512        472         39          0         13        215
>> -/+ buffers/cache:        244        268
>> Swap:         4095          0       4095[/CODE]
> 244MB RAM in use and 0MB swap...looks good to me.

Well, I just send a tech over to reset the server since it was locked
up. He couldn't login to the console, or SSH and had to reset the

>> Is there anything I can optimize on such a server?
> It's hard to give any advices without further information about what
> the problem is.

Fair enough, what other info can I give you?

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

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