on 15:49 Wed 09 Mar, Keith Keller (kkel...@wombat.san-francisco.ca.us) wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 01:44:18PM -0800, Dr. Ed Morbius wrote:
> > on 09:24 Wed 09 Mar, Simon Matter (simon.mat...@invoca.ch) wrote:
> > > 
> > > Yes, only that reinstall doesn't exist in EL4 :)
> > 
> > It doesn't?
> > 
> >     rpm -Uvh <packagelist>
> Creating the package list is what yum does automatically; using rpm
> directly means creating a list of URLs or downloading rpms
> individually.  

See my other recent post to this thread for how that's done.

Essentially:  use RPM to generate a list of all packages.  List all
files in those packages.  Filter for files on /boot.  Identify the
packages with files on /boot.   Reinstall those packages.

It's a shell one-liner.

Dr. Ed Morbius, Chief Scientist /            |
  Robot Wrangler / Staff Psychologist        | When you seek unlimited power
Krell Power Systems Unlimited                |                  Go to Krell!

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