On Wed, 2011-04-06 at 10:33 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> On 04/06/2011 07:54 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> > How can a company dedicate a few man-hours per week to help CentOS?
> > I mean this in a more official way, rather than just a person dropping
> > by at the -devel list.
> Thats a very good question, and something more people should be asking 
> : here is a terse reply : adopt a part of the distro, contribute tests 
> and take ownership of driving support for those components forward ( so, 
> wiki content, support in irc channels and support for users on those 
> components in the mailing lists ). Start with a package or two, then 
> move that forward. Start with whats already in the distro.

Ah! I like the sound of this. This can be a start. What I understand by
this, is adopt a package, test it out, and update the community via
wiki, hanging in the IRC channels and answering questions on the mailing

What about having some users adopt a package, say maybe in teams of 3
with different responsibilities. So for example, if someone 'adopts'
package foo - two others should join in and they can split the load
between them, so one guy can be in charge of watching the list, and
giving a 'nudge' offlist to the 'parent' of foo, another can post
twitter updates, or list announcments to a timetable - It's just an
idea, but i believe with a touch of visibility, to the workload on a
package level will shut up everyone, and change the argument from when
will it be READY, to DAMN we gots loads of work to do to help out to get
it READY. We can then even really measure of well the community can get
new releases out the door. We can eventually streamline the process,
come on, don't we consider ourselves kick ass?

Can't we use something like launchpad? There *must* be some
collaborative tools that we can leverage, after all, they all run on
CENTOS do they not!?

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