[Ah! Peter!  Back from the loonybin I see.... we're still using the sun QFE 
boards and the Ex500 CPU cards, thanks again....]

On Wednesday, April 06, 2011 03:48:14 PM Peter A wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 06, 2011 03:22:48 PM Lamar Owen wrote:
> > Pipe dream: MultiVersion Concurrency Control, like PostgreSQL implements

> You wouldn't want to store the actual packages in the DB though... Instead, 
> you'd store paths to the files.

I don't know..... brainstormed it, but haven't really set down to think it 
through.  I think I might actually want to put the packages into bytea fields, 
but populate actual table fields with metadata, and even build a dependency 
structure or something similar.... would be a lot of work, that's for sure.

> This is very different than the delta rpms though... delta rpms and all that 
> still works with a simple http server. For a mvcc you'd need a backend to 
> have 
> an actual DB, scripting backend and such...

True enough.  Could be something for private mirrors serving internal users 
more easily, and might even allow better control and rollout of updates.  For 
the public mirror system it's not likely to happen, at least not until a simple 
way using existing infrastructure can be devised.

Now if I only had free time.....
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