I noticed that I didn't get any of the 5.6 updates rsynced yet, so I 
checked my mirror and then the mirrors list. This mirror is indeed not on 
the list anymore and also not on the status page. However, I see other 
mirrors still on the list that are lagging for days. And I see that this 
mirror has a full 5.6 directory (maybe not complete, though, but quite 
full). I don't see any removal announcement about it on centos-mirror 
So, I'm wondering if this mirror is now a mirror or not or if it has just 
fallen off the list somehow?
Talking of: ftp://rsync.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/centos/

I also notice that /5 is a directory and not a symlink as 4 and 3 are. But 
this is the same on mirror.centos.org. Why isn't it a symlink?


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