Am 04/08/2011 02:12 PM, schrieb Ian Murray:
>>> I'm really tired of  this.
>>> Ralph: please unsubscribe everyone who can't shut his  mouth. Thanks.
>>> A lot of of less-vocal people will thank  you.
>>> Kai
>>>  _______________________________________________
>> Wow Kai,  maybe you should suspend the mailing list?
> At least that would have some equality and fairness about it, rather than 
> subjectively chucking people off. 
> I thought the point of subject lines was so that an individual could chose to 
> read the full message or not. Just skip over or filter.

I consider myself as one of the "less-vocal people" on this list and I
totally second Kai in his request.

There are more than 200 messages 'discussing' this topic, everything has
been said more than twice. It seems like a lot of people just rant over
this topic and are not willing to accept the position of the developers
- as clear or unclear as this position might have been communicated.

It is not a matter of "subject lines" to skip messages, it's a matter of
drawing their consequences for those guys. Either you skip CentOS
because your not willing to accept the terms of the team or you accept
the way it is. Ranting endlessly about it under the cover of "trying to
help" or "trying to improve the process" will not help it.

Right now we are far beyond the point discussing actual improvements,
it's just ranting. Even if you consider yourself as "only willing to
help", the tone and mood on the list simply doesn't allow it anymore.
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