Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I think Karanbir made a small PR error
> in naming or implying dates for CentOS-5.6 and CentOS-6.
> To my mind, it would have been much better just to say
> something like, "We're working hard on CentOS-6,
> and will get it out as soon as possible,
> given that this is a part-time activity for us".
But all devs DO SAY that, at least initially. That is THE release date.

But they are also helpful so they do give (g)estimates when they EXPECT 
to finish, when asked politely, so we know what is *minimum* time it 
will take. When I go to some repairman, and he hesitates to give me time 
estimate, I ask him to sayuntil when he *surely* will not be finished, 
so I do not pester him every day, and so I can think of repaired item as 
unavailable until then.

If you read some of complaints, you will see some people quote and are 
offended and complain about "it will be ready when it is ready" attitude 
of devs.

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