On 04/11/2011 12:46 AM, Bob Hepple wrote:
> Oh well, so much for that idea! According to the release notes
> (http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS5.6) there is a list
> of packages modified by centos - and that includes httpd. So the
> absence of 'centos' in the release string does _not_ mean that the
> package is unmodified (ie it's merely re-built).

you said httpd but looked at rpm :)

Also, the first batch of srpms is now on the seed machine, should start 
going public in about 8 - 12 hours ( this is [a-l]*.src.rpm ). The rest 
I'll move in first thing on Wednesday morning.

Reason why the srpms are not in the tree at release time : it saves us 
all about 4.3 TiB of data to mirrors pre-release.

- KB
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