
> Ryan is right. The mirrors need to sync up. That's most likely the
> cause. Still, it's curious why you have two kernels listed in grub.conf
> and only one listed from yum. You should also see the 2.6.18-238.el5xen
> kernel listed.

Well, I copied the /var/cache/yum/timedhosts.txt file from server 1 to 
server 2. Then run yum update and all kinds of errors came flying at me. 
So I just SCP'ed the whole /var/cache/yum directory of server 1 to 
server 2. Ran yum update and there were the updates I was missing 
including the new kernel-xen. I don't know if this was the *proper* way 
of fixing it but it did the job :P.

Kind regards,

Hans Vos
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