On 04/21/2011 01:16 PM, Kenni Lund wrote:
> 2011/4/21 Ian Forde <ianfo...@gmail.com>:
>> Turns out that wasn't the only problem I faced in my migration.  With 2
>> KVM servers, both sharing a volume mounted via NFS for VMs, I migrated
>> all VMs to the second node, upgraded the first, them moved them all back
>> to KVM1.  Instant disk corruption on all VMs.  Boom.
> Are you sure it was the migration and not the raw/qcow2 error which
> caused the disk corruption?
> I just had two Windows Servers with image corruption after upgrading
> from 5.5 to 5.6 and booting the first time with the raw setting,
> before changing it to qcow2 :-/
> These two images were both on the same host, which is plain CentOS 5
> *BUT* with a 2.6.37 kernel (and therefore 2.6.37 KVM module) from
> elrepo...
> It could be my special case of running with a vanilla KVM-module +
> CentOS KVM userspace which allows the corruption to happen, but if
> other people are seeing disk corruption with the regular
> kernel/kmod-kvm, then this "known issue" should probably have a big
> fat red warning in the release notes..

It is in the release notes as a known issue ...

I had this issue and tried to reboot my VM server several times and
there was no disk corruption.

I just tried booting a machine 25 times with the raw setting and it did
not corrupt the image.

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