On 06/12/2011 10:21 AM Barry Brimer wrote:
>>> So my guess is they're fuzzing/scanning for potential weaknesses in
>>> jQuery...
>> For those managing web sites it would be good to acquire such scripts
>> and run them in pre-production as system tests.  So where do we get
>> scripts such as the one run against Jason's site?
> I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but you might 
> check out Nikto <http://cirt.net/Nikto2>
> Barry

That's interesting and useful in its way.  But I'd prefer to use the
same scripts used by the actual crackers/bots.  Not only would I be able
to test my sites with them, but I'd be able to recognize the
probes/attacks when they appear in logs as they did for Jason.
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