did something similar recently...

class "VMware" { match if ( substring(hardware,1,3) = 00:50:56 ); }
subnet netmask {
         #other subnet specific stuff here
         pool { allow members of "VMware"; range; }
         pool { deny  members of "VMware";  range; }

On 06/22/11 21:44, Raymond Lillard wrote:
> Dear CentOS,
> This is somewhat off-topic, but I do hope to implement this on
> a CentOS system, so here goes...
> I would like to be able to setup a dhcpd (or like) daemon to
> maintain two IP address pools.  One for devices whose leading
> three octets of the client MAC address are specified and the
> other for all other clients.  Both pools would be a defined
> range on a commmon /24 subnet. There a several static IP
> devices also on this net (servers, printer, etc...).  At no
> time would there be more than a dozen of the specified MAC
> range devices active.
> I considered splitting the /24 block into two /25 blocks and
> creating a shared-network with two subnets, but that still
> leaves no way to wild-card the lower 3 octets, which I cannot
> know in advance.
> In addition to DHCP, I've looked at DNSmasq and a few others
> but no joy.  I don't see a solution that doesn't require a
> significant development effort.
> I'm off to think about possible doing this in perl.  I still
> hope someone has already done this.

Steven Tardy
Systems Analyst
Information Technology Infrastructure
Information Technology Services
Mississippi State University
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