On Sat, 9 Jul 2011, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:

> To: CentOS mailing list <centos@centos.org>
> From: Ljubomir Ljubojevic <off...@plnet.rs>
> Subject: Re: [CentOS] Celebrating Centos 6.0 Day World-wide
> Keith Roberts wrote:
>> I'm *very* tempted to start again with a fresh install, and
>> forget the updates - they don't do much anyway!
> There is "Autopatcher" software, free. It downloads all updates from M$
> site you might need and then you start the process of silent
> installation of patches. It can take 3-4 hours to update everithing (IE,
> Adobe, .Net, ...) but there are not many reboots, 2-3 maybe, depends.
> When you reboot just start paching process again and it will pick where
> it left off.

Oh yes! I have heard about that before. All needed M$ 
updates on a CD or DVD. So you can update without having to 
do the downloads? Thanks for reminding me about that one

> And NEVER EVER leave Automatic update..... EVER. If you do, better shoot
>  your self in the head, it will heart far less.

So I found out the hard way recently. Stuck in an eternal 
update cycle!!!

>> Is there such a thing as a secure Windoze computer?
> Sure. Any Powered down Windows is 100% secure :-)

That's the best one to have!

The only good thing I can say is there is quite alot of 
good GPL'd applications for Windoze on sourceforge and 
other websites.

Keith Roberts


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