On Sunday, July 10, 2011 12:24 AM, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
> Christopher Chan wrote:
>> On Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:35 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:
>>> On Friday, July 08, 2011 12:01:36 PM Christopher Chan wrote:
>>>> Professional Wireless Router? That knocked me off my seat :-D. 'Wireless
>>>> router' has become associated in my mind with that device you put in
>>>> homes. So what professional wireless routers are out there?
>>> Cisco has a few; see the ISR G2 1941W for one that is a 'cut above' the 
>>> former Linksys product lines.
>>> Larger Cisco ISR's (2900 and 3900 series) support a network module that 
>>> acts as a supervisor of sorts for Cisco access points, too.
>> /me shrugs. I am happy as a fish in water with them Aerohive 340 APs and
>> HP 2910al PoE+ switches. Lifetime warranty, downloadable firmware for
>> the switches and the access points have proven to be pain free once setup.
>> No blooming uber expensive support contract to deal with.
> Those can be marked as Office applications, but not the professional.

What are you blabbering about? What Office applications?

> Professional link Today would be those that can pass 150Mbps of *real*
> throughtput with full routing up to the distance of 30km, or 75Mbps up
> to 55km. And it can be done under 1000 EUR ($1500) without large
> batteries, solar chargers or similar accessory gear.
> And those "routers/AP's" that are rated 300Mbps and have 100Mbps LAN and
> weak CPU..... heh.

Excuse me? We are talking about WIFI and not just wireless 'wan' links 
right? In any case, I suspect that the Aerohive 340 can do uber km too 
with a change to directional antennae and other stuff to boost signal 

BTW, if you are implying that the Aerohive only has FastEthernet ports, 
you are dead wrong. They have dual Gigabit ports, have done 20MiB/sec 
transfers on a single host, support up to 40 clients simultaneously and 
these were the results in the UAT. A bit short of their claim of 60 
clients simultaneously but that is probably human error...we did not 
have 60 persons to simultaneously click the file download but we managed 
to get 40 going at the same time.
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