On Monday, July 11, 2011 10:03 PM, Brunner, Brian T. wrote:
> Ljubomir The Wise wrote:
>> Short version (I am hungry):
>> Experience (19 years of Windows phone support and 5 years of Linux
>> administration and usage as a desktop surrounded by Windows
>> users) says that in order to convert (reluctant) Windows user you have
> to fully
>> replicate Windows environment with compatible Linux Apps. Period.
> +googolplex!
> DirectX games, facebook, facebook games, other games, skype,
> garage-band, and many many more.
> Many of these *can* be tweaked into running under Linux, by somebody who
> knows how.
> My wife will *never* know how.
> Yum install "World of Warcraft" (or whatever game, which looks for the
> game installed on your NTFS file system, downloads anything needed,
> configures and leaves a ready-to-click-and-play WoW on the Linux side)
> or forget it, you're not ready to push Windows off the desktop.

I hear that WoW is going the way of the dodo due to lack of creativity 
there. Maybe you have some other more pressing example like....minesweeper?
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