On 19/07/2011 08:14, James Hogarth wrote:
> > I built a CentOS 6 machine to host several CentOS 6 guest servers. 
> As all guests will be Internet facing I set up the host with two 
> bridged NICs and assigned an Internet facing IP address to br0 and a 
> local IP address to br1.
> >
> > Each guest was installed using br0 and br1 with virtio drivers.  On 
> each I assigned an Internet facing IP address to eth0 and a local IP 
> address on eth1.  So far so good.  I can access the guest servers from 
> either IP address as expected.  That is HTTP, SSH and SMTP servers on 
> them are accessible and do what they are supposed to do.
> >
> > Except...  Except from any location outside of my Comcast Cable 
> Modem.  To be clear, from any machine inside the modem to any address 
> on the guests, all works perfectly.  But outside the modem the guest 
> apps either don't receive packets or for some reason don't respond, 
> and I've tired it from four different locations.
> >
> > Using Wireshark on the guests I can see the packets arrive from the 
> outside sources, but no response is seen.  On accesses from inside I 
> can see both incoming and outgoing packets, as expected.
> >
> > I can ping the outside sources from the guests, yet pings from the 
> outside sources get no response from the guests.  All the outside 
> sources get responses when pinging the host.  I can ping the guests 
> from any inside machine.
> >
A bit of a long shot but does turning on STP on the br* interfaces help? 
I vaguely remember I had to do the following on one of my machines that 
uses bonding + bridges:

# brctl stp br0 on

I have put this in the machines' /etc/rc.local so it's applied upon 
every reboot.

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