On 23 August 2011 09:11, Fajar Priyanto <fajar...@arinet.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 9:29 PM, Anne Wilson <cannewil...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Aug 22 14:02:11 borg postfix/qmgr[1499]: B4693A377C: 
>> from=<a...@borg.xxx.lan>,
>> size=7487, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
>> Aug 22 14:02:12 borg postfix/smtp[2071]: B4693A377C: to=<a...@xxx.org>,
>> relay=mailhost.zen.co.uk[]:25, delay=0.43,
>> mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain, xxx.lan
> Hi Anne :)
> Found you again from Mandriva list years ago :)
Hi.  Good to talk to you a gain :-)

> I think you need to put xxx.org also in mydestination. So the mail
> won't get through internet.
> As you can see, it's sending to a...@xxx.org.
> mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain, xxx.lan, xxx.org

This morning I restored the old main.cf, which uses the old network
settings of xxx.net.  Now mail is being received, but sending mail is
being refused by my server.  I have two sending profiles - one that
sends to the server (CentOS 6), which then should use
/etc/postfix/transport to separate local mail and external mail,
sending the external mail to the ISP's smtp server.  The second
profile is googlemail smtp, used when I'm away from home.

Whichever I try to use I get a message that my mail server has refused
the connection.  I'm still trying to work out why.  It sounds like
authentication problem, but I can't see why it's happening.

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