----- Original Message -----
| On Wed, 5 Oct 2011, Steve Rikli wrote:
| > Why? I'll grant NIS is insecure at best for login auth, and should
| > not
| > be used for that purpose (at least not outside the lab).
| >
| > But for other purposes e.g. automount maps, NIS is simple and easy
| > and
| > still functional.
| >
| > I'll also readily agree I wouldn't want NIS on internet-facing
| > systems,
| > but for things like automount maps on the internal corporate LAN, is
| > it really a catastropic problem?
| The problem you get is when you compare it with LDAP.
| jh

There is no comparison.  NIS is *much* faster than LDAP for these purposes.

James A. Peltier
IT Services - Research Computing Group
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax     : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  : jpelt...@sfu.ca
Website : http://www.sfu.ca/itservices
I will do the best I can with the talent I have

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