Le 04/11/2011 10:42, Ljubomir Ljubojevic a écrit :
> Vreme: 11/04/2011 03:18 AM, Kévin GASPARD piše:
>> Hi,
>> To begin I'm sorry for my poor English level, that's not my first language.
>> On CentOS 6 I've installed fail2ban 0.8.4 from EPEL repository. I've
>> configured it with this page : http://centoshelp.org/security/fail2ban/
>> Then I've tried this command :
>> chkconfig --level 23 fail2ban on&&   service fail2ban start
>> but the output says it fallen, nothing more. The status option says is
>> stopped.
>> Also I don't have log for it and no manual page (for the latest, this is
>> normal ?).
>> This is my /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf : http://pastebin.com/j5FhJzKY
>> I'm asking here because I don't find help on Google, #centos and forums.
>> Cordially, Kévin "Koshie" GASPARD.
> It is best if you ask on EPEL(/Fedora) since you installed them from
> there. There is Maintainers name and e-mail if you need more specific
> help, but the best solution is to file a bug against their bugtracker
> (Red Hat's?)

I've an idea, compile fail2ban 0.8.4 to see where is the problem : From 
EPEL or from fail2ban dev. I will do that this week-end or next monday.

Anyway I will see that :).

Thank you.

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