
Le 05/11/2011 16:19, Ned Slider a écrit :
> On 05/11/11 14:40, Olivier BONHOMME wrote:
> Rather than making the Requires specific to a package:
> Requires(postun):             fusiondirectory>= %{version}
> try making it specific to the script that needs to be run. For example:
> Requires(postun):             /full/path/to/script.sh

Recently, I ran into a similar issue with package removal order, and solved it 
by using the method shown below.
(My platform is RHEL 5.x / CentOS 5.x, using RPM version

For each of the sub-packages, I included this in the sub-package header section:

   Requires(postun): <Main-Package>

where <Main-Package> is the package name of the master.
In the main package, I created a %postun section as below:

      exit 0

I placed a similar %postun section in the sub-packages:

      exit 0

These are basically "NOP" scripts, replace them with more code if your 
sub-package actually needs to do a post-uninstall stage. The sections do need 
to exist in the master and sub-packages to help RPM determine the dependencies 

To help debug the package removal process, use the following:

   # rpm -e <Main-Package> -vv 2>&1 | tee destroy.log

This will turn on extra debugging output from rpm and capture it into a log 
file that you can view to see exactly how RPM is determining the order in which 
packages need to be removed. Look for something like this:

D: ========== tsorting packages (order, #predecessors, #succesors, tree, depth, 
D:     0    0    0    7    1    0   -MyPkg-util-1.0.2-2.i386
D: ========== successors only (0 bytes)
D:     1    0    0    0    1    1   -MyPkg-1.0.2-2.i386
D:     2    0    0    1    1    2   -MyPkg-metro-1.0.2-2.i386
D:     3    0    0    2    1    3   -MyPkg-tomcat6-1.0.2-2.i386
D:     4    0    0    3    1    4   -MyPkg-api-1.0.2-2.i386
D:     5    0    0    4    1    5   -MyPkg-webapp-1.0.2-2.i386
D:     6    0    0    5    1    6   -MyPkg-default-1.0.2-2.i386
D:     7    0    0    6    1    7   -MyPkg-site1-1.0.2-2.i386

In my scenario, I have seven other sub-packages that depend on each other as 
well as the master package. As the MyPkg-site1 sub-package depends on the 
MyPkg, MyPkg-webapp, MyPkg-api, and MyPkg-tomcat6; I made sure to list all 
three of these packages in the Requires(postun): line in the MyPkg-site1 
sub-package. The removal stage %preun for MyPkg-site1 depends on running a 
script which exists in the MyPkg master, so if the MyPkg master was removed, 
the MyPkg-site1 sub-package failed to properly uninstall (unless I used rpm -e 
--noscripts). Applying the steps above solved this and now the packages are 
removed in the correct order.

Refer to the RPM manual for more details on addressing package dependencies:

"RPM enforces the above dependencies _until_ the specified script has been run, 
not _at_ that time. In other words, it will allow erasing a dependency that was 
marked for eg. the %post script for an already installed package, but will not 
allow erasing one that is required for a %postun script for such a package."

rpm -i:   %pre script runs -> installs files & dirs -> %post script runs
rpm -e:   %preun script runs -> removes files & dirs -> %postun script runs


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