On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:29 PM, John Doe <jd...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Rudi Ahlers <r...@softdux.com>
>> For example, a photo would be uploaded last night and today when we
>> checked it, it doesn't show on the website. So we check if the file is
>> on the server, and exists but is 0KB in size. Last night it still
>> worked fine. The photo is 482Kb in size.
> Only the size changed to 0 or were some other stats changed too?
> Maybe try something like:
>   inotifywait -m --format "%T %e %f" --timefmt "%D %T" -r /path/to/dir
> At least you would know at what time something happens...
> JD
> _______________________________________________


Where do I get inotifywait ?

yum what provides "*/inotifywait" didn't return anything

root@mars:[/]$ yum whatprovides "*/inotifywait"
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirror.highspeedweb.net
 * extras: centos.omnispring.com
 * updates: mirrors.igsobe.com
Excluding Packages in global exclude list

| 206 kB     00:00

| 1.7 MB     00:00
No Matches found

Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers

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