good info in this thread -but so far no mention of rsnapshot
> Any comment on it ?

we use rsnapshot. i think of it basically as a wrapper around rsync. it
isn't a fully featured backup solution just on it's own, but it is a great
tool. we have written a bash shell script wrapper around rsnapshot to do
things like mount/umount the appropriate NFS storage brick to use as an
rsync destination, and then send an email summary of the results if there
was a problem.

> >From the little I've read it seems to be very similar to BackupPC.

I think the only thing they have in common is that they both use rsync as
the transfer agent. Les describes how BackupPC has additional features like
compression, hardlinking between different backup sets, and a web gui. I'd
also add that BackupPC allows users to perform their own restore
operations.  rsnapshot has nothing like that.

> Though
> based on the name I guess it is using LVM snapshots?

no, rsnapshot does not use LVM snapshots (at least, not that I know of).
 it used cp -al to create hardlinks between each backup run.

Jonathan.Nilsson at uci dot edu
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