Hi Aurf,

I am seeing a lot of solutions that are not all perfect and just insanely 
expensive. BackBlaze seems like a pretty decent solution, I have control of all 
hardware and software to do with as I please.

If you have ideas, please talk to me about them!


Jason T. Slack-Moehrle

On Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 4:29 PM, aurfalien wrote:

> On Jan 25, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Jason T. Slack-Moehrle wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I started a 501c3 (not-for-profit) organization back in February 
> > 2011 to deal with information archival.
> > Database servers and storage servers would go on the private VLAN? I 
> > am building a box to store all the data (mysql, video, crawl data, 
> > static datasets) and I strongly think it might be a backBlaze POD 
> > running CentOS.
> Hi Jason,
> Not to be one of those guys who answers a question with a question, 
> but... why backBlaze for archival?
> Are you building in some safe guards/redundancy not found in the 
> current backBlaze implenetation?
> Just curious, not a challenge or anything.
> - aurf
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