On Monday, April 02, 2012 08:51:46 AM Les Mikesell wrote:
> Another statistic I'd like to see is how much admin time this costs on
> the average to learn and implement.   

No more than proper firewalling techniques cost, really.

> Has anyone really measured this?

Probably not.

>   Are there training courses specifically to cover it?   You might get
> an idea from the length and cost of the training if it covers all the
> quirks.   These days most of the built-in stuff is pre-configured for
> someone's idea of working (apache not being able to send mail doesn't
> match my definition, though...), but any third-party or local
> additions to a targeted service will take time to set up.

EL6 greatly improves the admin interface for SELinux with policycoreutils-gui 
as then all the booleans are quickly available (like the boolean that turns on 
or off httpd's ability to send e-mail (or connect to a network socket, etc)).  
The booleans (at least most of them) are in EL5, but the interface isn't nearly 
as well documented (I know, many would like a TUI with the click boxes; maybe 
one is out there, maybe not; I'm not allergic to a remote GUI being available 
on a server).

The documentation for EL6 is better in this regard as well.  But, really, if 
you're having an issue with httpd getting 'access denied' things, then you can 
# getsebool -a |grep http

The booleans have reasonable, and readable, names that make sense, for the most 
part.  Find the boolean that controls the feature you want, and use setsebool 
to set it to on.

It's not hard, and the admin overhead once you're used to it is a few seconds 
at most.  It becomes another 'firewall-like' item to check off, really, as long 
as you do things at leat in a semi-standard way.

And ls-lZ is your friend, along with chcon.  It is one more step, but, 
honestly, it's not nearly as big a step as firewalling (ipchains/iptables) was 
ten/fifteen years ago.  At least not with EL6; but EL5U8 is better than EL5 GA 

To the OP's question:  all but one of our CentOS boxen here have SELinux on, 
and in enforcing mode with either the targeted or the strict policies.  The 
strict policy is tough to get right, and is for special use servers on the DMZ, 
typically, with the targeted policy running everywhere else.  Including all the 
CentOS workstations we have, and even my Fedora laptop.  The one CentOS box 
with it on, and in permissive mode, soon will be in enforcing once I have the 
small amount of time necessary to work out the AVC's and set up the proper 

And SELinux has blocked a few attacks at this point for which there weren't yet 
patches; in other words, SELinux saved me from having to reimage servers that 
would have been pwned had SELinux not been running.  I can't give more detail 
than that due to NDA, sorry.

Again, compared to all the options firewalls give you (connection tracking, 
DPI, UDP versus TCP ports versus IP protocol numbers versus non-IP protocols 
versus IP flags versus.....) SELinux is not hard to configure from the admin's 
point of view.  Now, from the application developer point of view, things are 
different.  But, there again, it really boils down to making sure the files you 
create have the proper context, and writing policy to fit your access pattern. 

Increasing system security is not easy, and it takes time to do correctly, but 
it needs to be done in today's internet environment.
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