On 04/20/2012 06:08 PM, Jerry Geis wrote:
> I tried the two suggestions:
> I am now using "createrepo ."
> and chown -R and chmod -R to make sure they are readable by apache.
> I also change my repo line from   using 6.2 to just use 6.
> repo --name=Updates --baseurl=
> I have a symbolic link from 6 to 6.2
> There error I get is the same:
> "fatal error occured when installing the dbus package." Exit installer.
> Doing ALT-F2 at that point and looking around at files in /tmp I see no
> errors,
> nothing is in /var/log/

You should post entire error text. Are you sure that that dbus package 
is not corrupted? Try downloading it fo local directory and install from 
Or just delete dbus rpm and run rsync again (or whatever) and then 


Ljubomir Ljubojevic
(Love is in the Air)
PL Computers
Serbia, Europe

Google is the Mother, Google is the Father, and traceroute is your
trusty Spiderman...
StarOS, Mikrotik and CentOS/RHEL/Linux consultant
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