On Apr 27, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Bob Hoffman wrote:

> On 4/27/2012 10:35 AM, aurfalien wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does any one know of a how to for creating raid 1 + LVMs during install for 
>> Centos 6?
>> Do I create the physical LVM first and then raid or vise versa?
>> Its seems diff then doing it for Centos 5.
>> - aurf
> The way I did it was one drive at a time.
> I did two, one for boot, the second was the OS

Hi Bob,

So far swap, are you doing a file?  I was also thinking this route.

> boot-
> add a raid partition, did it for each drive, then make a raid device and 
> select all both drives, /boot for mount point
> OS-
> added a raid partition for each drive, then when you make the raid 
> device select physical volume as the file system type and both raid 
> partitions you made for the OS.

So if I wanted 2 partitions, one for OS and the other as a snapshot target, do 
I create them here as physical volumes or below as logical volumes?

> then you hit create again and select volume group, select the raid 
> device you want to play with.
> you add mount points, these are your logical volumes...
> /swap
> /
> /var
> etc etc etc....

Thanks in advance,

- aurf

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