On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 04:56:44PM +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 26.07.2012 16:50, schrieb Scott Robbins:
> > Unfortunately, according to folks who have more knowledge than I do
> > about these things, in later versions of Fedora, and therefore, probably
> > the next version or so of RH, just manually editing
> > sysconfig/network-scripts will overlook some necessary parts.
> > system-config-network-tui may wind up becoming necessary. Through RH
> > 5.x it was enough to manually edit the necessary files.  
> says who?
> 3.4.6-2.fc17.x86_64

A few people on Fedora forums.  My own, very un-scientific evidence is
that once or twice, manually editing has given errors that I don't
believe were due to typos.  After getting bitten once, now I just
quickly set up the network, download network-tui and fix it.

> network.service has the same config as 10 years ago
> there is nothing preventing you disable networkmanager
> [harry@rh:~]$ rpm -qa | grep system-config-network

Sorry if I was not clear on this.   My point is that Fedora is trying to
make it the default and pushing people to use it rather than the more
traditional tools.  At present, yes, it can still be disabled without
any special effort.

Scott Robbins
PGP keyID EB3467D6
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Buffy: I lost a friend tonight and I may lose more! The whole 
world may be sucked into hell, and you want my help 'cause your 
girlfriend's a big ho?! Let me take this opportunity to NOT care! 
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