Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
> On 08/23/12 15:01, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
> I dont know about root(hd0,0) .. i have the grub and / installed on an
> disk which by system is recognized as /dev/sdc and in grub.conf i have
> hd(2,msdos1)
Ok... to follow myself up, I started looking. There is zero indication in
any manpage about the syntax you use. After doing some googling, I finally
<>, and
geez, the Gnu documentation is *dreadful* - why isn't there a syntax
description for the root line of a grub entry? Then I found the above,
which is *not* with the root directive, and they give examples including
msdos1, msdos5, but with no explanation of what those names are - labels?
the first and fifth partitions that are msdos format?

As I said in my previous post, I've never seen anything like that - it's
root (hdx,y).


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