From: Patrick Lists Sent: October 16, 2012 22:11
> On 10/17/2012 02:51 AM, Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
> >
> > I am attempting to setup OpenLDAP on c CentOS 6.3 platform. I have
> > been able to locate numerous online how to documents but none seem
> > to work correctly on CentOS 6.3. I believe that the reason is the
> > new dynamic configuration (AKA cn=config).
> The Admin Guide on the OpenLDAP website has a lot of information about 
> the new cn=config backend and how to set it up.

I did attempt to use the Quick Start section of the 2.4 Administration
Guide. Since I have a binary install as part of CentOS I bypassed steps
1-7 which cover the source download, configuration, build and install.
Step 8 (Edit the configuration file) references a slapd.conf file that
is not present on my system. I found it rather hard to proceed any

> On the mailing list it was recommended by several subscribers to
> upgrade to the latest openldap release (2.4.33) due to the many fixes
> in the dynamic config backend and the logic that can transform an
> slapd.conf into a cn=config version. With a few changes (replace 
> systemd stuff with the original CentOS openldap init scripts) the
> F17 openldap SRPM should build ok on CentOS 6.3.

At this point I am very hesitant to do any major changes to the
software without some specific reason for it. All I am attempting to
do at this point is just to get a simple working configuration that
I an learn and build on.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Regards, Hugh

Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software,

CentOS mailing list

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