On Fri, 28 Dec 2012, Phil Dobbin wrote:

> On 12/28/2012 08:28 PM, James Freer wrote:
>> Hi folks
>> I'm just about to start using Centos again. I used it briefly a couple of 
>> years
>> ago but found the switch to rpm a bit much after using deb for 5 years. Now
>> there seem to be a lot of changes on the deb front so i'm going to try again
>> with rpm.
>> I noticed that there is now a live CD (as well as the DVD) instead of the six
>> CDs that i used before (iirc). I would just be grateful if someone could
>> confirm that... i've been an xfce user so i was thinking that i've either got
>> to go back to gnome and load the xfce desktop or use the DVD (and install 
>> xfce
>> straight).
> Download the netinstall & choose your window manager. Save you a lot of
> time.
> Cheers,
>  Phil...

Ah many thanks. I read about the minimal install and thought that's what i 
could use - thought better of it and chose the liveCD. I wasn't sure about the 
netinstall... but i've found since receiving your email a "how-to" and it seems 
quite clear.

Seems Centos has changed quite a bit from what i remember. There wasn't a 
liveCD and i installed from 6 CDs... which was a lot of downloading (easier to 
buy the DVD really).

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